Dirkin, K., Hain, A., Tolin, M. & McBride, A. (2020). OMMI: Offline MultiModal Instruction. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference (pp. 24-28). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
The article "OMMI: Offline MultiModal Instruction" suggests a solution to the technology resource divide underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education institutions found that many learners needed access to reliable internet to engage in online learning. The authors of this paper explore OMMI as a possible solution to the internet divide. OMMI is a form of datacasting that transmits information like PDFs, documents, video, and other multimedia to students without broadband internet access. This approach is already in use in states like South Carolina and Indiana. OMMI focuses on creating interactive learning experiences within the constraints of one-way data transmission.
This study underscores the importance of the instructional design process of effectively implementing OMMI. The model includes anchor documents providing structured learning paths, software for interactivity, and assessments that mix traditional quizzes with performance-based tasks, referred to as balanced assessments. This model addresses the challenge of reaching students in remote or under-resourced areas, ensuring they continue receiving quality education in a multimodal format without internet connectivity. This study implies that OMMI reduces educational inequities and supports students' learning experiences in offline environments.
I connected with this article because I remember seeing the great internet divide firsthand when the COVID-19 lockdown happened. My department was working with the IT team to connect students to hotspots so they could learn remotely. However, just as this article mentioned, sometimes the hotspots are needed to provide sufficient bandwidth for the students to access the learning materials online. This is the first time I have heard of datacasting, and it is an innovative workaround to assist students with their needs. The OMMI approach reminds me of the importance of standardizing the course interface with anchor documents and other media to ensure that the learner can focus on learning the content, not struggling to find course resources. Overall, this article was concise and easy to follow. Additionally, it was terrific reading a paper with DET authors.